Collection Seven — Marks Left

"A few years ago, my daughter ran to the door with great excitement"

Unpainted putty

"This is what our back door frame looks like now."

Sorry cake

"My daughter leaves her mark in the living room each day."

Daughter mark

"One morning I woke up and noticed this squiggly line in the window."

Squiggly Line

"It's far too late to un-train her."

Paws on window

"Re-taught the age old adage - measure twice, drill once."


"During the earthquakes a bookend fell and made a hole in my guitar."

Dented Guitar

"This is where I've relaxed for fourteen years."


“My dad’s quite handy around the house"

Laundry Incident

"Here is the mark my then 5 year old left."

neighbours wall

"I am proud of my teenage daughter’s various DYI endeavours. She is often modifying something in her room."

Plant Bracket

"Kiwi fairy homes and doors and villages are popping up..."

Kiwi Fairy Homes

Collection Seven — Marks Left

This collection showcases the marks people have left or found left around their home. Marks can show the passage of time, or memories to remember.

Marks Left is a part of the Home Series.

Contributors responded to the prompt "Tell us about a mark that has been left in or around your home."

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