Collection Three — Made

"I collect up the shells of walnuts...

Making walnut fires

"I made my kids unhappy after we rescued this ginger Tom...

Ginger Tom

"This morning I #made an ergonomic stand...

DIY Laptop Stand

"I made a miniature version of...

Mini Chair

"I made myself go surfing instead of..."

Refresh the Mind

"Kids and I made these aliens..."


"When lockdown happened I had time to sew so I got back to it..."

Sewing Project

"All around people leave little marks as reminders of..."

Making records

"There was a tree stump in my backyard..."

Fairy Door

I love upcycling and I also love succulents..."

Vertical Garden

"I realise how I have been perfecting how to peel with a single piece of skin at the end."

Mandarin season is on.

“I made colour and texture experiments whenever I needed a break from working at the computer..."

Colour and Texture Experiments

"During lockdown I thought it was a cool idea to..."


"I just wanted a mouse pad..."

Mouse pad

"I found time to appreciate older methods of making a cup of tea."

Back to basics

“Sewing got me through 6 months of COVID-induced unemployment."


Collection Three — Made

This collection showcases things people have made. These might be something they made regularly or something they made for the first time.

Made is part of the Noticing Series.

Contributors responded to the prompt "Tell us about something you have made."

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